Urban Amazons

I have been painting like a demon towards my upcoming exhibition 'Urban Amazons' at Tusk Gallery, Chapel Street South Yarra.

This will be my first exhibition in Melbourne, I am excited and nervous at the same time.

The gallery has asked me for an artists statement, which in the past I never provided but in this case I actually was dying to share with people my inspiration behind this body of work..please read below.

Urban Amazons, 6 - 27 March 2014

The ‘Amazons’ were a nation/tribe of all female warriors in Greek mythology.
This body of work has been inspired by an emerging tribe of women in society today that I refer to as the
‘Urban Amazon’
These girls are strong, feisty, and extremely feminine. Their sense of aesthetic is a form of expression and a statement of their sensuality removed from the norm that society dictates.
However it is by no means a protest against the stereotyped roles that women have been groomed towards for generations, nor a statement of yet another pigeon hole called 'feminism'. It appears to me to be a natural evolution and an uncontrived liberation to be simply themselves.
They celebrate their femininity in a unique, unencumbered way with a beautiful confidence.
All my models I have found by chance out and about and this body of work has evolved through these women.
(Tania Wursig)

Amazon Rose I - acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 100 x 100cm