2025! THE YEAR TO THRIVE - To Celebrate enjoy 15% off all fine art prints and current studio stock.

What an incredible year it has been!!!

Having evolved and developed many exciting projects this has truly been a fabulous Year.
My new brand 'Bohemian Island Palace' turns one, the 'Urban Amazons' set the tone for the year with well received exhibitions both in Melbourne and Sydney, followed by an extremely successful 2 month residency in Tahiti painting and conducting workshops and most recently a gorgeous collaborative exhibition of my paintings and textiles at Rust in Avalon.

To cap this all of I will be opening my studio to the public for


Join myself and studio partner, Jewellery designer Kristina Brenke, for a glass or two of champagne cheer to toast the upcoming festive season whilst browsing through new and original works hot off the easel and bench!

Saturday 13th Dec 10am - 3pm

S T U D I O S   A L O F T
1st & 2nd floors Prosper Lane Rozelle
(Rear 660 Darling Street)
t: 02 9555 7124  m: 0409 362 949