2025! THE YEAR TO THRIVE - To Celebrate enjoy 15% off all fine art prints and current studio stock.


It's been a great start to 2015 with my Sydney art classes filling up fast and the launch of the new package and dates for 'EXPRESS YOURSELF TAHITI'.

In collaboration with Tahiti Tourisme Australia, Le Meridien Tahiti and Tahiti Mana Adventures, I am pleased to announce i will be conducting three 'Express Yourself Tahiti' workshops during my residency 'PAINTING IN PARADISE'. I now have a new collaborative partner, 'Tahiti Mana Adventures' with whom I have been designing a most exciting package with optional extras and introducing the 'Lazy Husbands/Non-Painting Partners package, for those who would like to accompany their creative mates but not participate.

For more information and dates click here